Entries in Products (4)


Great back to school computer deal

It is back to school time. For all of those looking fo a scraming deal on a laptop for their students, check out the following, 

Acer TimelineU M5-481T-6670 14-Inch Ultrabook

Amazon, has  a good price but if you want to shop around, here are the prices effective 08/16/2012,


Though not a Costco deal, this computer is a great value.   Amazon looks like the best choice in this case.


Olde to Costco

I many I have extolled the virtues of Costco. For those that haven't heard, here are three reasons why Costco is great,

1) Customer Service. Costco has the best customer service that I have ever experienced. From no questions asked returns to help to your car, Costco is great.  Costco Returns

2) Excellent employment benefits. Costco is a fair and equitable employer. 90 % + employees have health insurance. They pay wages typically 30% more than the industry. Costco Benefits

3) Value. The products and services Costco provides are a mix of great brands and house brands that provide a excellent value. Costco does not have every product, but it has ones that make sense for their margins and their customers needs. Costco Sales Model


Unlimited Mobile Phone and Data for $19.95 a month no contract?

Check out Republic Wireless, it looks pretty interesting.   

Republic Wireless

If it works, what a deal.   There is only one phone available, but it seems decent, 

Motorola Defy XT



Surveys for growth

Do you really know what your customers want? Most business owners think that they do, but do they? One sure way to ask them, a survey.

A survey is the perfect tool to find out what your customers want, it is also an opputunity to focus your business on the next products and services that might be in demand.  When a survey is appropriately designed and distributed to your customer based it should ultimately provide three major outcomes,

1) Substantive feedback on your current products and services.

2) A opputunity to receive feedback on potential new product and services.

3) An outlet for comments and sugestions for future product and services.

To find out more about executing a survey and the growth benefits that can com from it,  contact us for a free consultation.